Students can test once a year for a place at MGS. Our Planned Admission Number is 205 in each year group. If you would like to apply for a place, please contact our Admissions Officer, Mrs Blatchford via who will explain the process. You will need to complete an In-year Casual Admissions Form and return this to Mrs Blatchford. The In-year Casual Admissions Form is available here and our Frequently Asked Questions about appeals are available here.

Students admitted at the start of Year 7 each academic year will have been identified as suitable for Grammar School education under the Kent selection procedure. Year 7 students applying for a place into Year 7 between September and December will take the Kent Test. From January, Year 7 students will take the School’s own in-year admissions test. Students can test once each year for a place at the school. If a student is unsuccessful following testing for a place in a particular year group they can request to be tested again in the following year. This applies to all year groups up to Year 11.

Year 7 students who have not taken the Kent Test at their primary school and students wishing to join into Years 8 – 11 should apply for a place at the school using the In-year Casual Admissions From (IYCAF) and send to Mrs Blatchford via Within 15 days of receipt of the IYCAF the school will notify the parent / carer of the next available testing date.

The test papers are marked in school and you will be notified in writing or via email of the results of the test within 10 working days and given further information on what to do next. If a place is available in the year group applied for and the student has successfully passed the test, a place in the school will be offered. The School will make contact to discuss a start date.

If a student is unsuccessful following testing or they pass the test but we are unable to offer a place because we are at or above our planned admission number in that year group, parents/carers have the right to appeal against the decision not to admit. Appeals are undertaken using Kent County Council’s Independent Appeals Procedure. Appeals should be made to Mrs Friend, Clerk to the Governors either in writing via the school address or via

For further information and advice regarding in-year admissions please contact Mrs Blatchford, Admissions Officer on 01622 752101 or email Information is also available from KCC on 0300 041 4222 or via