Welcome to the Pastoral section of our website. We understand that academic success is just one part of a student’s journey, and that’s why we prioritise their wellbeing and personal development through our comprehensive pastoral care system.

Our House System fosters a sense of community and healthy competition among students, while our PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education, including Relationships and Sex Education) programme ensures that students develop essential life skills and values. We strongly believe in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity, and work to create a safe and welcoming environment for all students, regardless of their background.

We provide support for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, as well as those who are eligible for Pupil Premium or Sixth Form Bursary. Our Safeguarding and Online Safety policies ensure that students are protected from harm, both in school and online.

We believe that our students’ wellbeing is crucial to their success, and that’s why we provide a wide range of support and resources to help them thrive. We invite you to explore this section of our website to learn more about our pastoral care system and how we support our students.