At MGS we use an external industry standard filtering service for our broadband provision. Filtering is used to block inappropriate or illegal content, restrict security breaches & maintain sufficient usable bandwidth for all users. Sites are categorised by an industry leading package, with local administration, to allow us to adjust filters for age appropriate content (e.g. Sixth Form students have different filtering rules to Lower School students). Staff are also subject to filtering and monitoring.

All students and staff agree to the school’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) on first use of the school system and re-sign it after updates or changes have been made to the system. Our AUP forms the basis of the expected online behaviour for all users. Users whose actions are in contravention of our AUP may face disciplinary action and/or lose network access.

We use to monitor the activity on every device in our network, in real-time. It combines classroom management, network management and online safety in one single package and enables us to restrict or monitor access to websites, applications and hardware, track encrypted or unlisted USB devices, and report on all network data by either individual users or entire groups. enables us to keep students safe and engaged, while helping teaching staff with the day-to-day aspects of Teaching & Learning, and assisting the IT Team with daily system maintenance.