At Maidstone Grammar School we have a dedicated and experienced pastoral team which is made up of the Safeguarding Team, the House Teams and the Student Services Department. 

Report Any Concern Confidentially

This button is for MGS students who would like to confidentially and securely share any concerns. Please use it to contact our safeguarding team privately, and we will contact you. If you are in immediate danger, call 999.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is:

  • Miss R Johnson, Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral)

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

  • Mr J Hanratty, Deputy Headteacher
  • Mrs Z Harris, Deputy Headteacher
  • Mr P Highway, Assistant Headteacher
  • Mr M Rivers, Assistant Headteacher
  • Mr R Williams, Student Services Department
  • Mr N Sparkes, Student Services Department
  • Mr S Rothwell, Student Services Department

The House Teams

Our experienced House Teams work extensively to support students within each House in relation to a wide range of academic, welfare and pastoral issues.

Barton House

Mr B Highsted, Head of House

Mr R Gokool, Assistant Head of House

College House

Mr M Hughes, Head of House

Miss M Dimmick, Assistant Head of House

Corpus Christi House

Mr J Norton, Head of House

Mrs J Coveney, Assistant Head of House

Tonbridge House

Mr M Holmes, Head of House

Mr C Taylor, Assistant Head of House

Parents and carers can also make contact with staff by phoning the reception (01622 752101) or by emailing the school at marking the email for the attention of the relevant member of staff.

All teaching and non-teaching staff in the school receive annual safeguarding training. In addition, key information is shared at the start of each year with all students in safeguarding assemblies. This year our assemblies covered the following areas:

  • The MGS Student Code of Conduct

This outlines the key principles and expectations we expect all students to abide by.

  • The members of the Safeguarding Team at MGS

See above

  • Who can I report a concern to?

Students can report a concern to any member of teaching or non-teaching staff. In particular, students may wish to speak to their Form Tutor, Head of House or Assistant Head of House, Assistant Head of Key Stage, a member of the Student Services Department or a member of the Safeguarding Team.

  • How do I report a concern?

Students can speak to a member of staff in person, email them via the school email system or send a 1:1 Teams chat message directly to them. If students are unsure who to report a concern to they can type “Report Any Concern” into the school email address bar and this will send a message to a small group of key pastoral staff. Where students make contact via email, Teams chat or “Report Any Concern” staff will respond confidentially via 1:1 chat or email in the first place to discuss how to take the matter forward.

  • What happens when I report a concern?
    • The exact response will depend on the specific concern raised but could include one or more of the following:
    • Key staff may provide advice / support / guidance.
    • A student may be asked to write a statement so that we can clearly understand their account of what has happened and investigate further, if required.
    • Staff may need to contact and involve parents / carers.
    • Where students have not met expectations (e.g. including those laid out in the MGS Student Code of Conduct) sanctions may be applied.
    • There may be a referral to our fully qualified school counsellor or our 1:1 MIND worker for additional support.
    • In some cases, after discussion with parents /carers, we may engage the support of our School Police Liaison Officer.
    • Key Pastoral staff may need to make a referral to the Kent Early Help Service, Police or Social Services if higher level support / interventions are required.
  • What are some of the key safeguarding issues which I need to be aware of and vigilant about?

Students were briefed on a range of specific safeguarding topics including: understanding how to recognise Child on Child Abuse; inappropriate and unacceptable types of language and behaviour including sexism, sexual harassment, racist language etc; the overarching general principles of consent, body autonomy and respecting personal boundaries; online safety including the sharing of inappropriate or indecent material online.

We educate our students and raise awareness about a wide range of safeguarding and welfare issues throughout the year including through our assembly programme, tutor time programme and resources, display materials, visiting speakers and presenters, and our Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education (PSHCE) programme.

Key Policies

Key Policies can be found here including our:

  • Anti-bullying Policy
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Relationships and Sex Education Policy
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
  • SEN Policy and Information Report