
“Gaudeamus”, the school song written in 1908, is still sung today at various events such as assemblies, Speech Days, and other school occasions. The lyrics consist of six verses, but only the first and fifth are currently sung. They were written by the then-Headmaster, Rev. C.G. Duffield MA, and set to music by the music master, Dr. Henniker ARAM.





Lyrics by Rev. C.G. Duffield, MA

Music by Dr. Henniker, ARAM


Verse 1:

Scholam concinamus nostram

Maidstonensi urbe impostam,

Rege Eduardo, ante hos tam

Longos annos conditam.


Maidstonenses gaudeamus

Laudibus, et efferamus

Scholam nostram, quae oramus

Sempiterna floreat.


Verse 2:

Forsan olim meminisse

Nos juvabit, et vixisse

Dignos illis quos fuisse

Gloriamur socios.


Maidstonenses gaudeamus

Laudibus, et efferamus

Scholam nostram, quae oramus

Sempiterna floreat.