Individual Advice & Guidance

Gatsby benchmark 8 (Personal Guidance) states:

  • Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a career adviser, who could be internal (a member of school or staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level*  
  • These should be available for all students whenever significant study or career choices are being made.
  • They should be expected for all students but should be timed to meet their individual needs.
  • Every student should have at least one such interview by the age of 16, and the opportunity for a further interview by the age of 18, by the end of their study programme.

*The school or college should ensure that access to an adviser trained to level 6 in a career development subject is available when needed.

MGS Careers Team

MGS employs two Careers Advisers to deliver personal guidance to all our students

  • Mrs Acaster holds the Level 6 qualification in Careers Advice & Guidance, and is on The Career Development Institute (CDI) Professional Register of Advisers
  • Ms Erenstein holds the Level 4 Diploma in Advice & Guidance and is undertaking the Level 6 Diploma in Careers Guidance & Development
  • Additionally, MGS has an Annual Contract with an external agency, CXK, to provide independent, professionally qualified Advisors (Level 6) who visit the school in Year 8 (to deliver sessions on Year 8 Careers Days) and Year 10 (to deliver small group guidance workshops)

Students (and parents) in any year group can contact the Careers Team for information, advice and guidance. MGS staff can also refer students to the Careers Team:

There is a formal programme of individual advice and support offered to all students (and parents) via the following:

Year 8        GCSE Options talks with tutors

Year 10      Small group Careers Guidance Workshops with external advisers from CXK

Year 11      Individual guidance meetings with Mrs Acaster/Ms Erenstein (Post-16 Options)

Year 11      Subject Choice meetings with a member of SLT

Year 12      Individual guidance meetings with Mrs Acaster/Ms Erenstein (Post-18 Options)

Year 13      Academic Interviews with Form Tutors

National Careers Service: Students (and parents) can also contact the National Careers Service to help make decisions about learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential, helpful and impartial advice and guidance, supported by qualified careers advisers. Young people (aged 13-19) can speak to an adviser on-line or by telephone 0800 100 900.